產品介紹 Products Information

聯絡資訊 Contact
  • 半導體IC產品
  • 聯絡人: 劉小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機 619
聯絡資訊 Contact
  • 電子零件產品
  • 聯絡人: 林小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機618
聯絡資訊 Contact
  • 真空相關產品
  • 聯絡人: 王經理
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機161
聯絡資訊 Contact
  • PCB機器
  • 聯絡人: 王小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機631
聯絡資訊 Contact
  • 化學相關產品
  • 聯絡人: 陳小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機633
聯絡資訊 Contact
  • 不確定品牌/型號
  • 聯絡人: 陳小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機633

Hamamatus Photonics矽光電二極體。利用Hamamatsu獨特的半導體工藝技術製造,光譜範圍涵蓋從近紅外到紫外甚至高能區。Hamamatsu矽光電二極體同時具有高速響應,高靈敏度和低雜訊等特性。矽光電二極管被用在廣泛的應用,包括醫療和分析領域、科學測量、光通信和一般電子產品。Hamamatsu矽光電二極管有各種封裝,如金屬、陶瓷、塑料封裝,以及表面貼裝類型可用。另外還提供客制設計,以滿足特殊需求。

Hamamatsu photodiodes manufactured utilizing Hamamatsu Photonics unique semiconductor process technologies cover a broad spectral range from the near infrared to ultraviolet and even to high-energy regions. They also feature high-speed response, high sensitivity and low noise. Hamamatsu Photonics photodiodes are used in a wide range of applications including medical and analytical fields, scientific measurements, optical communications and general electronic products. Hamamatsu Photonics photodiodes are available in various packages such as metal, ceramic and plastic packages as well as in surface mount types. Hamamatsu Photonics also offer custom-designed devices to meet special needs. 


Si Photodiodes

Si Photodiodes
Hamamatsu photodiodes manufactured utilizing Hamamatsu Photonics unique semiconductor process technologies cover a broad spectral range from the near infrared to ultraviolet and even to high-energy regions. They also feature high-speed response, high sensitivity and low noise. Hamamatsu Photonics photodiodes are used in a wide range of applications including medical and analytical fields, scientific measurements, optical communications and general electronic products. Hamamatsu Photonics photodiodes are available in various packages such as metal, ceramic and plastic packages as well as in surface mount types. Hamamatsu Photonics also offer custom-designed devices to meet special needs. 

InGaAs Photodiode

InGaAs Photodiode

Based on unique, in-house compound semiconductor process technology, Hamamatsu has designed and developed advanced InGaAs photodiodes that feature high speed, high sensitivity, and low noise over a spectral range from 0.5 μm to 2.6 μm. InGaAs photodiodes are used in a wide variety of applications ranging from optical communications to chemical analysis and measurement fields. Hamamatsu provides a wide range of products in different packages including metal, ceramic and surface mount packages as well as linear and area image sensors, and infrared detector modules with built-in preamplifiers.。

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