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  • 聯絡人: 劉小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機 619
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  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機618
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  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機633
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)
SERS is a method for enhancing Raman scattering light (Raman scattering light is typically weak.). The scattering light generated on incidence to molecules is mainly scattering light (Rayleigh scattering light) of a wavelength common to that of the incident light. In addition to the Rayleigh scattering light, a faint amount of the scattering light (Raman scattering light) of wavelengths different from that of the incident light is emitted. The difference (Raman shift) in the frequencies between the incident light and the Raman scattering light comes from the natural frequencies of the molecules. Spectrometry of the Raman scattering light reveals information about a type and a structure of the molecule (type of chemical bond, level of crystallization, distortion of crystal lattice, etc.). For example, glucose and galactose are isomers that have nearly the same chemical structures, but they can be distinguished by Raman spectroscopic analysis. The enhancement of the faint Raman scattering light by the SERS substrate facilitates spectrometry. When a minute metal (Au) structure formed by nanoimprint technology is exposed to light, and interaction (surface plasmon resonance) occurs between the light and the electrons of the metal surface, creating an enhanced electric field. This effect enhances the Raman scattering light of the molecules that are close or attached to the metal surface.

Portable Raman spectrometer module : C12710

Portable Raman spectrometer module : C12710
The model C12710 is an easy-to-use portable Raman spectrometer module developed by combining our most advanced technologies including mini-spectrometers and focusing optics for laser excitation. The C12710 is designed for optimal performance in Raman spectrum measurement using a SERS( surface-enhanced Raman scattering) substrate manufactured using our nanoimprint technology. This is OEM product, therefore, it is possible to customize the specification according to each requirements.
C 12710型是一種易於使用的便攜式拉曼光譜儀模塊,通過與微型光譜儀和聚焦光學元件結合激光激發而開發,C 12710設計用於使用SERS在拉曼光譜測量中實現最佳性能 這是OEM產品,因此,可以根據需要定制規格。

SERS detection module : C13560

SERS detection module : C13560

The Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) detection module is a Raman OEM module that includes all the functions (excitation LD, polychromatic dispersion device, optical and control circuit systems) needed to perform Raman measurements. This module is an easy-to-use detection tool that utilizes a dedicated SERS substrate J13856, to facilitate simple screening applications such as POCT (Point of Care Testing). The module is also customizable to meet the customer's specific set of functional requirements for OEM type applications. 

表面增強拉曼光譜(SERS)檢測模塊是一個拉曼OEM模塊,它是執行拉曼測量所需的所有功能(激發LD,多色散射器件,光學和控制電路系統)。 檢測工具,使用專用的SERS襯底J13856,便於簡單的篩選應用等。POCT(護理點測試)。該模塊還可定制,以滿足客戶對OEM類型應用的功能要求的特定需求。

SERS Substrate : J12853

SERS Substrate : J12853

Substrate that enhances the weak Raman scattered light from the molecules


The surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrate enhances the Raman scattering light from molecules, making high-sensitive Raman spectroscopic analysis possible. A chip of metallic nano/sub-micro structure is mounted on Hamamatsu’s original handling plate to protect its active area. The active area of the handling plate is of a well structure for easily attaching solution or the like. It is noted this is a disposable product and cannot be reused.


表面增強拉曼光譜(SERS)基板增強了分子的拉曼散射光,使得高靈敏度的拉曼光譜分析成為可能。將金屬納米/亞微結構芯片安裝在Hamamatsu原創的載板上,以保護其有效面積。 它是一次性產品,不能重複使用。

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