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  • 聯絡人: 劉小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機 619
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  • 聯絡人: 林小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機618
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  • 聯絡人: 王經理
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機161
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  • 聯絡人: 王小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機631
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  • 聯絡人: 陳小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機633
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  • 聯絡人: 陳小姐
  • 電話: +886-2-8772-8910 分機633
X-Ray Flat Panel Sensor

相較於其他使用非晶材料的X光平板偵測器(Flat panel sensor),Hamamatsu X光平板偵測器採用了世界上最大的CMOS影像偵測器加上FOS,提供更高的訊雜比 、更高速和更寬的動態範圍 。合併各種先進的技術使Hamamatsu開發的X射線平板偵測器,具有高品質的靜態及動態影像,低失真的百萬畫素等級數位影像數據。這些X射線平板偵測器體積輕薄,易於整合到設備,因此被廣泛用於工業的X光非破壞性檢查設備以及牙科的電腦斷層掃描設備。

Hamamatsu Photonics X-ray flat panel sensors (FPS) using the world's largest CMOS image sensor combined with a FOS deliver higher S/N, higher speed and wider dynamic range compared to flat panel sensors using amorphous materials. Merging various advanced technologies enables us to develop X-ray flat panel sensors that ensure high-quality still or motion images with low distortion and highly detailed digital image data equal to the number of megapixles. Hamamatsu Photonics X-ray flat panel sensors are thin and lightweight, easily integrated into equipment, and so are widely used for many tasks in industrial X-ray inspection systems. 

X-Ray Flat Panel Sensor

X-Ray Flat Panel Sensor
Hamamatsu Photonics X-ray flat panel sensors (FPS) using the world's largest CMOS image sensor combined with a FOS deliver higher S/N, higher speed and wider dynamic range compared to flat panel sensors using amorphous materials. Merging various advanced technologies enables us to develop X-ray flat panel sensors that ensure high-quality still or motion images with low distortion and highly detailed digital image data equal to the number of megapixles. Hamamatsu Photonics X-ray flat panel sensors are thin and lightweight, easily integrated into equipment, and so are widely used for many tasks in industrial X-ray inspection systems. 


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